This section links to information related to EasyMock and Mock Objects.
Issue tracker
Any issues or feature requests should be in Codehaus Jira.
Mailing list
The EasyMock Yahoo!Group is available at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/easymock.
EasyMock checks its code coverage using Clover. A delivery always
has a 100% coverage. You can find the report for the latest EasyMock build here.
EasyMock in Books
- Pragmatic Unit Testing in Java with JUnit
by Andy Hunt and Dave Thomas (available at their site).
- Test Driven Development: A Practical Guide
by David Astels (listed on amazon.com).
- JUnit in Action
by Vincent Massol (listed on amazon.com).
- Unit Testing in Java: How Tests Drive the Code
by Johannes Link and Peter Fröhlich (listed on amazon.com).
- In german: Testgetriebene Entwicklung mit JUnit & FIT.
Wie Software änderbar bleibt
by Frank Westphal (listed on amazon.de).
- In german: Unit Tests mit Java. Der Test-First-Ansatz
by Johannes Link and Peter Fröhlich (listed on amazon.de).
EasyMock in Presentations and Papers
Online Resources
EasyMock Ports to .Net
- Rhino.Mocks was created by Oren Eini and is a rollout from EasyMock.NET. It is still actively supported
- EasyMock.NET was developped by Marco Struck and Matthias Jantz from MSBK Proximity. It was the first
port of EasyMock to .Net. However, this project doesn't seem supported anymore.
Mock Objects in General
EasyMock Alternatives and Add-ins
- Powermock is built on top of EasyMock. It uses a custom classloader and bytecode
manipulation to enable mocking of static methods, constructors, final classes and methods, private methods, removal of static initializers and more.
easymock-propertyutils is an add-in to EasyMock. It allows
to use JavaBeans-style property matching for arguments when using EasyMock. Property matching is based on commons-beanutils as documented in Standard JavaBeans.
jMock is another dynamic Mock Object generator for Java that was first released
two years after EasyMock. It uses another approach to define expectations that results in more flexibility to set expectations (you may specify almost everything imaginable) at the cost of less flexibility when refactoring (refactorings like method renaming and parameter reordering will break the tests) and loss of code completion when defining expectations or test-driving code.
Mockito is a lot like EasyMock but ordering steps a little differently. Mockito doesn't understand the notion
of 'expectation'. There is only stubbing and verifications.
Hamcrest is a library of matcher objects that can be used with EasyMock.